Is Your Home Ready For Spring?
Winter may be officially over, but the transition months of spring can bring dramatic changes in weather, so it’s best to be prepared!
Check Your Roof and Siding for Damage
What would May flowers be without April showers? With rain likely on the horizon, now is a great time to check your roof for any damage and make sure your gutters are ready. Winter cold, snow, ice and wind can leave your shingles ragged or even rip them off. Now that the snow has melted and the weather is warmer, check around your home for any loose shingles on the ground, check your gutters for shingle debris and safely inspect your roof for any bald spots.
Like your roof, your siding may have seen some damage over the winter months. Siding damage is easy to miss as we hunker down and enjoy the indoors more during winter. As you inspect your roof, make sure to pay attention to siding issues that may have gone unnoticed.
Get Ready for Temperature Changes
One of the funny things about transitional weather periods like early spring is that you can have dramatic temperature fluctuations in just hours. You can be enjoying the warm sun in short sleeves and then bundling up as night falls. Make sure your windows aren’t letting too much of the outside in and the inside out to help maintain a constant comfortable temperature inside without overdoing it with heating and cooling systems.
If you need to replace your roof, siding or windows after your inspection, we’re here to help. Contact the Seashore team to make sure your home is ready for all seasons!